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  • home sweet home
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July 25, 2022
Resurrected from Stash Overflow

I hear there are people who work on one project until it is done before starting another. I’ve never been that person. Ever since I received my first embroidery kit at age 7, I’ve had unfinished projects. When I told Mom I was making them a 50th anniversary quilt, she immediately started asking if I was going to finish it before she died. I did – that project only took me 3 years from conception to finish.

Recently I found myself pulling some old projects from Area 51 (the UFO closet). Sharon’s Leftovers only needed borders added. I ...

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August 10, 2021
New Home… New Projects from Nikki, In Stitches

Moving (hopefully one last time) was always a possibility for us, but it had to be the perfect scenario: a little more house, in the same school district, in a neighborhood just as friendly as the one we would be leaving.

  • A little more house because let’s be honest, going in and out of lockdown the last 18 months has everyone wanting a little more space, right?
  • In the same school district because my kids love it here, but honestly…I love my town even more than they do. I can’t imagine calling any other place home.
  • And ...

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March 3, 2020
A Hand Work Update and a Finish from Quilty Folk

Lots of hand work in the last several weeks. I finally picked the 'Melon Patch' applique back up and just slogged my way through. Why am I doing this? What in the world was I thinking? And then... Oh my, I just love these colors and fabrics. This is gonna be great! And that's generally the gist of this quilt every single time. 

Melon Patch petals all ready to sew onto the background now
There are 20 sets of 4 pieces each and I figured it takes me approximately one hour to stitch the petals for each block. Ouch ...

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January 31, 2020
A Tale of Two Applique Quilts from Quilty Folk

Once in a great while, I have this mad idea to throw some fabrics together and just 'see' what can come of them. This Home Sweet Home was just such a quilt. Only I got derailed by the idea that it might look better with appliqued words on it. Where have we heard that before?

Home Sweet Home quilt top finished!
Then I paused for a very long time in major indecision. Why am I spending so much time on a quilt that I'm not even sure that I like? But something kept propelling me forward with the applique ...

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  • home sweet home
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